
Welcome to My Blog

On this blog you will find postings about how everyday life provides insights to enrich our spiritual journeys. As an artist and art teacher, lover of the theatrical arts, wife, mother, and grandmother my journey has been long, challenging, and beautiful. I’m sure that yours has, too.

In 2012 I began to yearn for a way to share with other people my love of the arts and the spiritual insights that I’ve discovered through the arts. Well, not only through the arts but through everyday experiences as well. Sort of like modern parables that the Lord whispers into my ear. Often, His whisperings find creative expression in my drawings and paintings, dramas and skits, stories and musings.

I want to share all that, or more specifically, all of that is like a fire shut up in my bones that I need to share. But how?

The first thought was a website (www.genesisapproachtoart.com). This day and age that was a no-brainer. Then, as I was writing the material for the website . . . lo and behold!  A book was born, The Genesis Approach to Art, to be released in June 2013. It is a book that explains how to take a biblical approach to the study of art. As one reviewer said, “This book is for the art savant and the novice as well.”

Of course you can’t have a website without a social media link, so Facebook. . . here I come. Oh, wait a minute. No one will bother with your Facebook page or your website if you don’t have regular postings. “You gotta’ have a ‘blog.’”

“A blog?”

“Yeah, you know: A way to use the internet to routinely share your thoughts and insights with others who have common interests.”

Oh, that’s it! I want to share the mysteries the Lord has shown me. I need a blog.

So here we are. You and I are starting a blog. After all, it is a two-way street. To “share” we both will play a role.

I will make a commitment to you, dear reader, to do the following:

  • I will post something fresh and original at least once a week.
  • I will “keep it real” and avoid pretense and posturing.
  • I will be respectful of others, but gently uncompromising about what I know to be “truth.”
  • I will encourage the response of others, but will maintain the responsibility of screening what is posted to assure that the tone of the blog remains uplifting.

And here’s the role I ask of you:

  • Register to keep receiving the blogs so that I know I’m not intruding on your privacy.
  • Share the blogs with others.
  • Respond occasionally and let me know your thoughts and reactions.

Okay, let’s see where we are. We now have a website, a book, a social media link, and a blog. Wow!! What do you suppose the Lord is going to do with all of this?

Personal BIO:

Maybe you’d like to know a little about my background. I was raised in the home of an Air Force navigator and married an Air Force dentist. While bouncing around the world following the significant men in my life, I studied art in Washington DC and then moved to Germany where I continued studying art and earned a Gold Certificate of Accomplishment from the Herzfeld Academy in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Upon returning to the US, I juggled my growing family of four children and continued my art pursuits as a member of The Art Stable in Oscoda, Michigan. I later taught art to adults in Okinawa and Republic of the Philippines. Upon returning to the US I used my art skills as an image consultant and a fashion designer during the 1980’s and early 90’s.

I went into full time ministry in 1994. After serving in the children’s ministry of Cornerstone church in San Antonio, TX, for several years, I was asked to be the Director of the Theatrical Arts Ministry. In that capacity I wrote, directed, and produced theatrical productions involving as many as 500 people.

I returned to my passion for the visual arts in 2005 when I accepted a position teaching art to middle school students in a religious school. That role has prompted me to integrate my Judeo-Christian worldview with my love of art. I am the author The Genesis Approach to Art which documents that integration.

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